Neighbourhood Plan

The Localism Act 2012 gave local communities the opportunity to set out locally specific policies for the development and use of land, through the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan. 

Background to the Neighbourhood Plan.
At a monthly meeting on 6th November 2012 Thorner Parish Council agreed to designate the whole of the Thorner Parish as the Neighbourhood Area and took the decision to set up a working group to formulate a Neighbourhood Plan. The Local Planning Officer was informed as required.
The intention to create a Neighbourhood Plan was publicly announced via the village magazine, a new page was added to the Parish Council website, and posters advertising a public meeting about the Neighbourhood Plan were erected around the village. These steps were taken to ensure maximum community awareness and engagement. It was also deemed important that all plan activities were documented, and that information was readily accessible to the community via multiple channels.
Over the last ten years the members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) and the Parish Council have actively sought the views and opinions of the residents of Thorner village. No adverse comments regarding the Vision stated in the Plan have been received. Everyone wishes to keep the green spaces, maintain the community ethos and prevent unsympathetic development.
Defining the Neighbourhood Plan Area.
On 3rd July 2012, The Parish Council agreed to submit a request for a Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation to Leeds Metropolitan Borough Council. This was approved on 31st January 2013 by Leeds City Council. The Plan covers the period up to 2033.
Aim of the Plan.
The Thorner Parish Neighbourhood Plan seeks to demonstrate specific and local planning policies for the development and use of land within the Designated Area. The Neighbourhood Plan will provide a vision for future development in Thorner parish based on the views of the local community and supported by environmental, socio-economic, and demographic data.
Steering Group.
On 4th April 2013 the Parish Council welcomed volunteers to appoint a Steering Group and launch the Neighbourhood Plan. The Steering Group’s mandate was to drive the process, consult with the local community, gather evidence to support emerging policies, and deliver the Plan
Consultation Methodology
It was recognised that Thorner Parish residents had already been involved in the development of a Village Design Statement. Therefore, it was important to make sure people were aware that the Neighbourhood Plan would be more comprehensive and would have greater statutory weight than the previous design statement. The NPSG identified the need for regular communication in different formats to ensure maximum reach across the whole community.
Pre-submission Consultation on the Draft Thorner Neighbourhood Plan
After formulation the draft Neighbourhood Plan it was put out for consultation under regulation 14 of the Localism Act, to the village and statutory consultees from 19th July to 31st July 2021, a period of six weeks.
The draft Neighbourhood Plan was approved subject to revision following comments from the consultees including Leeds City Council.
The plan was formally submitted to Leeds City Council on 29th March 2024 they will publicise it for a further six weeks (see information below) and then forward it, with accompanying documents and all representations made during the publicity period, to an Independent Examiner who will review it and check that it meets the ‘Basic Conditions’. If the Plan successfully passes this stage, following any modifications, it will be put forward for referendum.
The referendum question will be a straight “yes” or “no” on the entire Plan, as set out by Neighbourhood Planning Regulations. People will not be able to vote for or against individual policies. If 50% or more of respondents vote for the Plan, it will be brought into force (‘Made’) and become part of the district-wide planning policy.

"Our vision is to maintain the character of Thorner as a distinctive rural community set in a special landscape setting, conserving its rich historic and architectural heritage, and ensuring that new development reflects the qualities and characteristics that people value in the Parish.
Existing green spaces within the parish will be protected and retained for the benefit of the community, who will also benefit from enhanced pedestrian and cycle connectivity.”

Submission Letter 


 Regulation 16 Stage.

The Thorner Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted for independent examination.
Thorner Parish Council has submitted the Thorner Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to Leeds City Council for independent examination. Under paragraph 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Leeds City Council is publicising the plan and seeking comments from those who live, work or carry out business in the Thorner Neighbourhood Area and any consultation body referred to in the submitted consultation statement.
The consultation runs for 8 weeks from 22nd July 2024 to 16th September 2024 (closing at 5pm)
Members of the Leeds City Council Neighbourhood Planning Team are willing to discuss the neighbourhood plan over the phone by appointment, please email or phone 0113 37 87997 to make arrangements.

The submitted documents are available below:

1.     Thorner Neighbourhood Plan 2024

2.     Consultation Statement 2024

3.     Basic Conditions Statement 2024

4.     Thorner Neighbourhood Plan Area Map 2024


5.     The SEA-HRA screening report 2024

Hard copies of the Neighbourhood Plan are available for inspection at the following locations (please check websites for opening hours):
·        Scholes Library Station Road Leeds LS15 4BJ
·        Whinmoor Library Naburn Approach Leeds LS14 2DF
·        Leeds City Council Merrion House, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 8LX

Also available locally at the Over 60's Bungalow on Main Street.
How to make representations:
We strongly encourage those making representations to use the online survey or send representations via email to
Please ensure representations are submitted by 16th September 2024 (5pm).


Any representations may include a request to be notified regarding Leeds City Council’s decision under Regulation 19 (Decision on a plan proposal) to make the neighbourhood development plan for Thorner. 


Following the end of the consultation period an examination of the above NDP has now been undertaken by an Independent Examiner.

Questions of clarification from the Examiner to the Parish Council and Leeds City Council.

Having completed my initial review of the Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan), questions which either relate to matters of fact or are areas in which need clarification or further information.

1. Policy B1: Local Green Spaces:

a. The proposed LGSs should not include any buildings or hard surfaces within the designated area. Please could revised maps be provided for LGSs 01 (Thorner Cricket and Football Club) (i.e. ensure the pavilion building is excluded from the proposed LGS); 02 (Tennis Club and Environs)(i.e. ensure tennis courts and village hall are excluded); 10 (Bowling Green).

b. What are the light(er) green areas shown on LGSs 02 (Tennis Club and Environs) and 11 (School Grounds); is this a simple production issue and it is the intention that these areas are included in the proposed LGS designations?

c. LGS 03 Butts Garth; the map shows an allotment area, but the photograph outlines the Village Green and the text seems to refer to the Village Green? What is the intention.


2. Policy B3: Views.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Difficulty to relate the viewpoints on the Appendix 04 map at my visit to the views shown in the accompanying photographs.                                                      Whilst I appreciate the map indicates the location of the viewpoints are approximate, I would like them to be accurate and relate to, and reflect, the photographs. Please could each arrow location be carefully checked on the map and plotted accurately (as necessary) to reflect the photographs in the appendix? It may be useful to use a viewpoint symbol on the map rather than a directional arrow which would give a wider view?

3. Please provide me with a copy of or link to the Thorner Conservation Area Appraisal.                                                                                                             

It may be the case that on receipt of the anticipated assistance on these matters that I may need to ask for further clarification or that further queries will occur as the examination progresses.